
Worship is an integral part of the life at CCSA. The daily act of worship is approached creatively and, harnessing technology where appropriate, inclusively offers opportunities for giving praise and honour to God in a variety ways. Students and staff are encouraged to lead, contribute to and participate in worship. The wider community is also encouraged to act in partnership as a resource for worship with efforts being made to build upon developing relationships with clergy and Christian youth organisations, for example.

We aim to provide a range of worship experiences, reflecting the breadth and diversity of the Anglican tradition in the chapel, local churches and as a community of staff. Themes for each week have been identified, which form the focus for assemblies and collective worship.

We also aim to allow everyone in our school community time and space to explore their own beliefs, to reflect and consider spiritual and moral values and make their own responses. It also recognises those concepts, principles and behaviours that characterise the highest examples and achievement of the human spirit as worthy of celebration.

At Christ Church Secondary Academy, the importance of faith and belief is openly acknowledged. In our building there is a chapel for prayer, small services and personal reflection. There is daily act of collective worship, regular assemblies, and religious education is studied by all students. Spiritual and moral development are strong features of our curriculum.

We are fully inclusive and welcome anyone, from any background, who wants an education informed by Christian values and beliefs. Although the Christian approach to living and learning is naturally prominent at our school, all students will develop proper regard for other faiths and belief systems. Note that requests for students to be wholly or partly excused from participating in any religious worship at the school should be made in writing to the headteacher.