Our Local Academy Board

Our Local Academy Board has a number of key roles in both a strategic and operational manner; some of these may be undertaken by the full board, others delegated to either a standing committee, a role specific group or an individual link governor, all of which will report back to the full board.

Contacting our Local Academy Board

Governors can be contacted through Mrs Lisa Boden, PA to the Headteacher, l.boden@christchurchsecondary.org.uk or through the school office (Daleview Road, Birmingham, B14 4HN)

The Very Reverend Matt Thompson - Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor - Appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education.

Matt is the Dean of Birmingham. He was installed as Dean in St Philip’s Cathedral on 30 September 2017. He is also Chair of the Birmingham Diocesan Board of Education and serves as a Member of Birmingham Diocesan Multi Academy Trust (BDMAT). Matt has extensive experience as a school governor in a variety of schools, primary and secondary; church and community; maintained, voluntary aided, academy trusts and the independent sector.

Matt grew up in the West Midlands and attended school in Walsall. He studied Theology & Religious Studies at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge and trained for ordination at Ridley Hall, Cambridge.

Matt was ordained in Manchester Cathedral in 1994 and spent the next 23 years in Greater Manchester. He served in four urban parishes in Hulme, Langley, Clayton and Bolton.

Throughout his ministry, he has been particularly involved in schools, urban regeneration, interfaith work and community cohesion. He is interested in practical theology, educational research, and Ignatian spirituality.

Term of Office - 01/09/2021 until 31/08/2025

Geoff Harley-Mason - Vice Chair of Governors

Foundation Governor - Appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education.

Geoff has experience in both the world of youth work and that of school governance. He works as a mentor to church youth workers supporting them in their work with young people and as a learning mentor to year 6 pupils at two primary schools in Birmingham. Geoff has qualifications in both youth work and theology and has worked for several churches in the West Midlands.

Currently he is a director of the Arden Multi Academy Trust having until recently been a governor of Arden Academy and for four years the chair of the governing board. He is also a governor at a CofE primary school in Birmingham and at an LEA maintained primary school in Solihull. Geoff is part of the church community at Knowle Parish Church. In the school environment Geoff is particularly interested in Mental Health education for young people and in pastoral care in schools.

Term of Office - 01/09/2021 until 31/08/2025

Frances Sherwood - Governor

Foundation Governor - Appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education.

Frances has worked in accounting and care management support in day care and sheltered accommodation for older people. She was also a foster carer for several years.

Since retiring in 2017 she has had chaplaincy training and now volunteer in her local area residential care home.

Frances is currently in her second term as Church Warden and is also part of the Pioneering Ministry Team supporting young families in the community.

Term of Office - 01/09/2021 until 31/08/2025

Doreen Cameron - Governor

Foundation Governor - Appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education.

Doreen is now retired having previously worked as a manager in the retail trade and also as a senior health Support worker in both a elderly people’s home and a home for clients with severe learning difficulties. In her past she was also a senior youth worker supporting young people within the West Birmingham community.

Doreen has lived in the local community for over 35 years, attending Christchurch for a similar amount of time.

Term of Office - 01/09/2021 until 31/08/2025

Irfan Khan - Governor

Community Governor.

Irfan has been living and working in Birmingham since 2006 after graduating from Nottingham university 2005. He has supported many school pupils through work placement and apprenticeship throughout his engineering career.

In September 2013, when his daughter started going to school, he decided to get more involved in her school through its governing body. He started as a parent governor at her infant school in Sep 2013, he is currently a community governor and Vice Chair of the Governing Body at his neighbourhood Infant School. He is also part of the Finance, Staffing and Audit Sub committee.

Thrilled by his initial experience and as part of his way of giving back to the wider Birmingham community, In March 2014, he joined St Albans Academy as Local Authority nominated Governor and supported the school as Finance Link Governor.

Recently, he joined CCSA local LAB to support the newly established school and act as Finance and Heath and Safety Link Governor.

He currently works in city centre and uses his business skills and professional experience to provide financial oversight and strategic direction to the school.

Term of Office - 01/09/2021 until 31/08/2025

Vacancy - Staff Governor

Vacancy - Parent Governor

Daniel Tomson - Parent Governor

Term of Office - 30/03/2022 until 29/03/2026

Declarations of Interest

LAB Attendance