High Temperatures - 18th & 19th July 2022

In response to the Red Warning (Extreme Heat) issued by the Met Office the academy will be taking the following steps to manage the high temperatures on Monday 18th July and Tuesday 19th July:

  • The academy day will finish at 2.00pm for students. Should parents wish for their child to remain in school until the usual finish time of 3.45pm, they must contact the academy office.

  • Access to outside space during break and lunch will be restricted, with decisions about this to be made by senior leadership based on conditions outside.  Should students be outside for any reason they should seek shaded areas and avoid running / games / football.

  • Students must wear academy PE kit instead of normal uniform throughout the day. Non-uniform items (such as cycling shorts or t-shirts) are not allowed.

  • Students must bring water bottles and drink water regularly.  Students can refill water bottles before school, during break and during lunch.

  • Students should apply sun cream at home before setting off for school. Students are not allowed to bring sun cream into school.

  • Students must make their way home from school straight away to avoid being outside for extended periods.

Note that these measures are for only Monday 18th July and Tuesday 19th July. The weather forecast is for much cooler temperatures throughout the rest of the week.  We will return to normal rules and uniform expectations for the rest of the week.

A summary of next week is as follows:

  • Monday 18th July – 2pm finish, PE kit

  • Tuesday 19th July – 2pm finish, PE kit

  • Wednesday 20th July – 3.45pm finish, normal school uniform rules

  • Thursday 21st July – 12.25pm finish (end of term assembly), normal school uniform rules

With the heat warning also in place for England during Sunday 17th March, we advise everyone in the CCSA community to prepare for the high temperatures and make sure you stay safe.


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - Letter to parents


CCSA Founding Families Update - 8th June