Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - Letter to parents

Today we mourn the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We are grateful for all her majesty has given to our country. Her values of service and resilience will forever be a part of our school and our community.

Over the next few days CCSA will be marking this moment as part of the national plans for mourning, while working in partnership with our church, Christ Church Yardley Wood. Collective worship will enable children to remember the life of Her Majesty The Queen and pray for the rest of the Royal family at this time. Form Time Worship, assemblies and services will focus on remembering different aspects of Her Majesty The Queen's long life and on taking the chance to pause and reflect on what a life well-lived means for each one of us today.

The Church of England offers the following prayer:

Gracious God, we give thanks

for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth,

for her faith and her dedication to duty.

Bless our nation as we mourn her death

and may her example continue to inspire us;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Over the coming days we shall review the school calendar, and update you with any adjustments to planned events through Arbor as usual.

Christ Church Yardley Wood would also like you to know that the church is open 7am- 7pm daily until the funeral. People are welcome to drop-in to the church to sign the book of condolence and light a candle.


European Day of Languages


High Temperatures - 18th & 19th July 2022