CCSA Founding Families Update - 5th May

The Rubbish Shakespeare Company - Performing last half term to Year 7

Dear parents,

The academy is consulting with Year 7 parents on changes to the shape of the school week and timings for the day for next academic year (beginning September 2022).  As part of our school growth it is important that we regularly review these arrangements in response to financial planning, community feedback and staffing growth.

We are planning to operate around a, longer than average, 33hour school week for all students next academic year, with a continued emphasis on maximising learning time, form time, worship and enrichment.

  • The school site will be open to students earlier, from 8.10am, enabling more students to access socialisation time in the morning and use breakfast club in the restaurant

  • The formal beginning to the school day will be earlier, with morning line up at 8.35am, enabling students to begin learning sooner – students will be considered late after 8.35am

  • School day will end earlier, with a finish time of 3.30pm Mondays through Thursdays, and 2.00pm on Fridays.  This enables more students to access after school activities, study club during ‘light hours’ in the winter months.

The academy will continue to run breakfast and social time before school (25mins per day) alongside a growing range of after school clubs most evenings (up to 60mins per day), including study club.

These arrangements are also outlined on our website:

Our Academy Day — Christ Church, Church of England Secondary Academy (

I would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have about these proposed arrangements by email to by Friday 20th May 2022.  Final arrangements will then be published to all families in June.

Finally, the academy has now published our term dates for next academic year.  These can be viewed online on our website:

Term Dates — Christ Church, Church of England Secondary Academy (

Best wishes,

Mr. Bowman Dalton


CCSA Founding Families Update - 8th June


CCSA Founding Families Update - 8th April 2022